Rewrite your financial future.

Do you feel stress, fear or anxiety around your money?

It’s not your fault.

Traditional financial literacy misses the mark.

I’m on a mission to help you rewrite your financial future, without shame or judgement.

Partners & Supporters:

Finances can affect your self-esteem, sense of security, mental health and emotional wellbeing. That's why FutureMe Finance operates from a core set of values.


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Man Climbing Stairs Line Art


About Me

When I first started navigating finances on my own, I was overwhelmed. I was always worried that I wasn’t doing enough. A fear of the future seemed to be constantly looming over me, especially when it came to my money. The financial advice I often came across was either not helpful, outdated, or totally irrelevant.

I realized I wasn't the only one who felt anxious about my financial future. Money is such a taboo, that it can at times feel impossible to find a safe space to share openly about your financial journey. I decided to create FutureMe Finance so others could access a non-judgmental space to share and learn about money in a supportive environment.


FutureMe Finance workshops provide a supportive and uplifting environment to help you reflect on your financial health.

Want to register for a workshop or learn more?

Person Counting Cash Money

Most Popular

Money on My Mind

Ideal for young adults that are navigating the pressures of financial responsibility for the first time.


My Money Story

A follow up to "Money on My Mind" this workshop connects the dots between financial scarcity and stability.

Smiling ethnic family walking on tree farm road


Financial Family Tree

This workshop is a deep dive into the origins of our financial fears and serves as a guide for economic resilience.

Hear What Others Have to Say:

"Working with Maria has really set me up for the path of financial freedom. It opened my eyes to aspects of my financial health that I wasn't even aware of before!”

This is such a crucial subject area that everyone should have the information and resources for… Maria truly hits the nail on the head.”

-Phoebe C.

“There was a disconnect between my financial goals and my behaviors, and general money management was done in a spirit of fear and confusion. Significant life changes have occurred since I started working with Maria. I now carry myself with confidence, clarity, and certainty about the financial decisions I have made. ”

-Elizabeth G.